How Can Digital Mailroom Make Organizations More Sustainable?

Have you heard about digital mailroom? Apart from reducing your company’s operational costs and shortening the response time, the solution helps to decrease the amount of inbound physical mail which is a great way to make your organization more sustainable. Keep reading to learn more about digital mailroom and its positive impact on the environment!

Digital mailroom – what is it?

Digital mailroom is a smart software solution that makes it possible to automate inbound mail in medium-sized and large corporations. Thanks to the use of advanced technology and secure scanners, analog content such as mail, faxes, texts, and documents are digitized and processed automatically. Once this is done, the documents are re-sent to the right addressees, meaning individuals or departments that have been previously configured and predefined in the system.

Digital mailroom uses scanning technology to digitize and ingest letters that are later encrypted, distributed according to the routing rules, and saved in the downstream systems of record. Although the solution definitely brings the greatest benefits to enterprise level organizations, digital mailroom by Eco-Mail is flexible and can be configured to meet the needs of virtually any business or industry.


The impact of digital mailroom on the environment

There are many reasons why it’s worth investing in digital mailroom. Apart from enhanced security, accessibility, and operational control, quality software can help you make your organization more sustainable and eco-friendly. How?

Digital mailroom means:

Paperless working environment –

If you want to make your company more sustainable without incurring significant costs, digital mailroom can help you do it. Intelligent software and scanners make it possible to eliminate paper copies and decrease distribution costs.

Reduced operational costs –

As digital mailroom automates intercompany communication and decreases human input, it means that employees don’t have to spend extra time and waste power or paper to print out documents, re-sort and re-send them. This allows the organization to repurpose labor elsewhere which makes it more efficient.

The takeaway

It’s important to mention that more and more companies recognize the need to be more eco-friendly. Since customers take this factor into consideration, organizations that want to stay on the cutting edge frequently benefit from digital mailroom, which helps them create a sustainable working environment at low costs. Apart from that, the solution brings a variety of different benefits, including considerable savings, and reduced response time which is necessary to stay in the business.