Should You Outsource SEO in 2022?

As a website owner or digital agency, you probably know that the most important aspect of SEO is a long-term strategy. But in today’s fast-paced world, SEO is not as easy as it sounds. The best way to stay on top of the latest algorithms and keep your website visible to search engines is to outsource SEO. Specialized outsourcing companies have access to the latest algorithms and techniques, making their services invaluable to a business owner.

Outsourcing SEO

If you still undecided whether you want to outsource local SEO or not, you’re missing out on many benefits. This specialist service has become a necessary tool for gaining higher rankings and a high level of traffic. The only downside is that it’s a relatively expensive service, so getting a few quotes is essential to gauge the cost. Additionally, make sure to get a few proposals before you decide. One aspect of SEO that’s often overlooked is reporting. If you have clients or stakeholders who want to know how your website is doing, you’ll need to provide regular reports that reflect performance. While this is primarily the. responsibility of the service provider, it’s also possible to do this yourself if you want to keep tabs on the data.


Hiring an SEO expert in-house can cost up to $90,154 a year. Companies need to invest in equipment and pay employee benefits to hire three full-time SEO specialists. Moreover, they need to keep track of ranking changes and provide regular reports. In other words, outsourcing SEO is expensive, but it’s better than investing in your team. The costs of outsourcing SEO will drop in the next few years.

Clear contracts

When it comes to local SEO outsourcing, clear contracts are crucial. An SEO agency must sign an NDA before working on your project, prohibiting them from communicating with competitors and potentially subjecting you to legal proceedings. Many SEO freelancers and agencies work with various clients and may have a conflict of interest that could result in legal proceedings. A contract should specify the scope of work and who is responsible for the results.

In case you want to be more convinced on the potential of outsourcing SEO for this year, take a look at the infographic below from White label SEO Agency.
